This recipe is easy and delicious.....great on a cold winter day.....
- 4 chicken pieces ( Sprinkle chicken generously with salt and pepper. Cover the pieces with water in a large pot (I used a dutch oven pot). Then bring them to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook on med to med-high heat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until juices run clear when a fork is inserted. Remove from broth, Cool~ Debone~ and Chop) Note: Save chicken broth you will need it
- Saved chicken broth from the water that you boiled your chicken in.
- 1 can of Cream of Mushroom Soup (Campbell's)
- 1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup (Campbell's)
- 1 can of 10 count big country jumbo biscuits (I used Great Value brand buttermilk )
- 4 boiled eggs (bring them to a boil and slow boil for about 13 minutes, then peel and chop)

After the chicken has been removed from the water that you boiled it not pour out the water (broth)... save the broth and add more water if needed to have about what I have here in this large pot (dutch oven) Add the soups to the broth and stir well...bring it to a slow boil on med-high heat.....

While you are waiting for the broth and soups to come to a boil... get the biscuits ready. Take them out of the package one at a time and flatten them with a rolling pin. I use the back of a corelle flat plate to roll them out on....because it doesn't stick to it and I don't have to clean up a makes it easy.

Cut each biscuit in small pieces like can do this as you go, you will have time because you add the pieces one at a time.....

Once the broth mix has begun slowly drop the biscuits in piece by piece.....just drop them in one at a time and then stir ocassionally. After all of the biscuit pieces have been added....cook a few minutes on a slow boil.....between med to med-high heat....stirring occasionally to keep them from sticking......

Then add the chopped boiled eggs and chicken and stir...