This is a perfect recipe for fall
All you will need is some apples, honey, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon and butter or margarine....
Lightly grease a casserole dish, wash and core the center of the apples, place them in casserole dish, sprinkle the inside of each apple with a generous amount of honey, then pack in some brown sugar and sprinkle the tops with cinnamon and then cut slices of butter and put them on the tops. Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for about 30-40 minutes depending on the size of the apples you are using. This makes a nice presentation for a fall desert and if you'd like to, you can eat these with shortbread cookies or they are delicious all by themselves. 

I like to cut them into quarters, (as I did in the photo below)....
I then take the sauce that's in the dish and I spoon it over the apples and then I bake them an additional 5-10 minutes until they reach desired tenderness, the sauce thickens over the apples and this makes them extra yummy.